Sunday 20 February 2011

Lego Spacemen Paintings

Some new pieces I've been working on recently are these Lego Men.
This is the first set - Spacemen!

Like the paintings of bottle caps, the Lego figures are a simple way to explore colour, form and design. The familiarity of the imagery allows me to almost explode the image while still retaining it, something that I find is only possible with easily recognisable objects.
Also like my other recent work it focuses on an interest in the hobby of collecting in which the displaying of any collected objects (worthless or priceless) becomes more than its individual pieces.

This set of four Spacemen sold immediately in Gallerina last week, on their first day of appearance!
The feedback to the Lego paintings has been great!
But who doesn't love Lego?


Update ......
Lego Spaceman Prints Now Available!!!!!!
Find them

1 comment:

  1. James, they are absolutely fab! Not surprised in the least they sold straight away. Tim had mentioned you were playing with Lego :)
